Founder and Lead Disability Advocate
Lee Rachel Jurman has provided consultations and referrals to hundreds of individuals and families living and working with a diverse range of disabilities for more than 30 years. Her compassion, experience, and tenacity enable her to identify and secure the resources her clients need. "I help individuals and their families plan for the worst while striving for as much quality in their lives as possible," Lee explains.
Lee is one of the few private case managers who work primarily with adults between the ages of 18 and 60. As a recognized expert in the areas of health care systems and benefits, Social Security, private disability insurance, Medicaid and Medicare, Lee unravels the tangled threads of services for clients to ensure that individuals receive the benefits they are entitled to. She collaborates with medical and mental health providers, attorneys, geriatric care managers and other professionals to build a network for her clients. Lee creates a web of care and support for both individuals and the families caring for their loved ones by building alliances with clients, caregivers and providers.
Lee is a dynamic speaker who gives workshops on a variety of topics about living with disabilities, such as Effective Communication and Advocacy, applying for Social Security disability benefits, caregiving, Disclosure in the Workplace, working and taking leave with a disability, and planning for transitions.
Prior to founding Personal Disability Consulting, Lee led a national corporate disability consultation and referral program, and was Executive Director of the Information Center for Individuals with Disabilities, a statewide non-profit Massachusetts agency. Lee is a member of the Case Management Society of America and is affiliated with a number of disability-specific organizations. She has a Bachelor Degree in Music Therapy from Ohio University, and a Masters in Management from the Florence Heller School at Brandeis University.